Agile Work Enviroment

Mikolas Slama

Project management can be a difficult thing to pull off. That's why twenty years ago several of the industry's leaders got together to create a system that be would structured in a way to achieve maximum efficiency, but still gave organizations enough freedom to make changes based on their product and work culture; they called this system Agile.

A manifesto was created with were specific language to ensure no misunderstandings would occur.

The Manifesto

Every organization tackles these commandments slightly differently. However, there are some key ideas such as knowledge sharing through SCRUM meetings. SCRUM meetings are short ten to fifteen minute meetings conducted everyday. This is the point where people will decide what feature they will tackle based on their abilities. An employee gets to choose what to do in order to perform the best. This is also the time for people to share what difficulties or problems they have encountered. Another person may pair up with them in order to solve the issue. Pairing up is also an important part of working in an agile enviroment. Though it may seem coutner productive to have to people working on only one part, in the long run productivity rises. One individual codes (a.k.a. driver) and the other reviews the code (a.k.a. navigator). This system allows for real time error checking and team problem solving.

Since focus is taken away from documentation in order to push out working software faster, there is an emphasis on testing. Frequent and thorough testing means that any changes made during development should work smoothly with the rest of the features as any incompatibilities with previous code will show during testing. Features are prioritized by the customer and done in the order of highest priority first. Due to the ability to take on any changes the customer wants and the fact the customer gets to choose which features are implemented first, no extra features are added this is called "lean development". A list of some of the top features is made which is called a sprint backlog. The team then jumps into action and attempts to implement all the features listed on the backlog. The ones that are not done get returned to the list of remaining features and the cycle is repeated again until all the features are done or time runs out.

Copyright © 2020 Mikolas Slama